+65 94520491 [email protected]

True Colours Festival Media Conference

Past Work

Set up on 10th of January 2018. Live event on 11th January 2018.

We were tasked to provide a live feed service with Skype calls to present this to the attendees and most of them are from the press.

Among the challenges for this project is the LAN network. As the room doesn’t have any internet connections, we had to pull a long cable from the 2nd floor and route the network to our location on the first floor.

Picture taken early in the day. About 80 to 100 pax from the media attended this conference.

Laptop feed to punch out to the screen.

We use the Ipad to control the live switching for the visuals displayed on the screen.

2 cameras were set up with the Video switcher to record the contents of the event.